Keep a Gratitude Journal
I have a variation on this, but for me I know gratitude is the way to feeling joy. During the worst of times at night as I cuddled up in bed and my tense body needed to be coaxed to relax, I would recite 10 things for which I am grateful. If I woke up angry I would say 10 more things I am grateful for. Other times I carry a small journal with me where I write 10 gratitude items every morning. However I do it, being grateful always elevates my thoughts and improves my mood.
Om Mani Padme Hum
The Dalai Lama provides a succinct look at the meaning of the mantra of compassion. Chanting these 6 syllables along with thinking about the meaning is a powerful way to purify the body, speech, and mind.
Whenever I am cleaning a room of negative energy with salt I write Om Mani Padme Hum all over it and chant it as well. One thing is true for me with this mantra, it brings me peace.
Burn Reiki Candles
I am not a Reiki practitioner but perhaps if you are you can do this yourself; I however buy the candles already charged.

- Use to heal the body, mind and soul.
- Use in combination with Peace to heal Mother Earth, animals and 4 elements.
All candles also come with powerful affirmations. I regularly recite the affirmation while the candle is burning and often after I have lit an incense stick. Ancient peoples believed the smoke carries the prayer or affirmation to the Creator.
Here is the affirmation for the Wisdom candle:
I wish you happy thoughts.