My first Juice Feast was in full swing this time two years ago. I have not fasted since. Because of my work schedule and lifestyle choices I usually fast to some degree over holidays. Yet with graduate school added into my schedule I have felt too tired and simply unready to fast. One of the reasons this blog is so important to me pre-Juice Feasting, is because I have needed to stay as close to healthy choices as I can. So I continue to challenge and prepare myself for a Juice Feast that will likely occur one year from now. In the meantime I am learning about and making better choices in small increments.

I recently traveled home. This trip transitioned into a soul searching journey. Through healing conversations with family members, beautiful bare foot walks on the lake shore and internal spiritual discoveries I felt several releases of energy. When I came back I had to reconcile these differences. So for the first time in two years, I engaged in a three day modified fast.
For most people water fasts can be a little too severe. As I am easing my way back into fasting I opted for crystal-charged water, Vitamineral green-spiked grapefruit juice, herbal tea (both dried and fresh from the garden) and even a helping of organic miso broth. I have found that long, deep sleeps are required to succeed on this fast. Although the fast has not been troublesome, I have needed to be mindful and rest regularly.
Fasting again puts me in touch with the areas that I need to work on. I think my greatest challenge is how I can sensibly come off the fast. Today is my final day and I plan to break it carefully with green smoothies tomorrow. I am considering several one day fasts in the future to train for breaking fasts.
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