Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 23 Juice Feast -- The Fasting Switch

I was invited to join a couple of friends today for breakfast. One new friend I've made is from Turkey and she loves to bake and brought in some home made bread. As we all gathered in the kitchen she apologized to me because she felt bad I couldn't eat her bread.  She is familiar with Ramadan but is not able to partake in it because her body has no tolerance for fasting--it must seem like what I am doing is a tad crazy. I explained for me fasting has an on and off switch. When I decide to fast or Feast in this case there is no struggle, no suffering, no deprivation. I simply do not have any desire for food. However when that hunger urge returns I usually break my fast. It made a lot more sense to her after that.

Fasting has an On and Off Switch (Source)

At the table she toasted the bread, spread it with cheese wedges and drank her strong black tea touched with a sprinkling of raw sugar. I talked, listened and all the while watched her and my friend eat the heavy wheat bread lined with cheese. A fun thing to do when fasting is watch other people eat. I was so focused on enjoying my time with my friends and listening deeply to all they had to share. I heard great stories oozing with love and happy memories of the farmer's markets in Turkey, the fruits that grow there and the lavish weekend Turkish family breakfast platters. She says Turks love to eat. My other friend is from Puerto Rico and he shared with me his weekend getaway plans with his wife, what it's like to learn a second language and jewelry customs for men.  My friend is small and we've lunched together several times and like this morning, he eats very little. What a trio we made!

As I'm drinking my juice all I thought was I'm getting tired of the taste of cantaloupe.  I managed 4 quarts of juice today and as it's nearly my bed time I am feeling ready for more healing sleep--otherwise my fasting switch is still comfortably in the on position.

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