Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 29 Juice Feast -- My Life is Like a Roller Coaster

Last night I felt the worst I have felt not only on this JF or the previous one, but the worst I can remember feeling without a significant injury. I am always seeking patterns yet I can't find one between last night and the one a few nights back where I was hit with a pounding headache. Headaches for me usually come from annoying people (either their energy or smell) and as I try to avoid them, headaches are rare. I laid down and I felt a strange surge of heat, but I was not physically hot. It was like nothing I have ever experienced. I thought for sure I would have to break my JF.

Somehow I woke up this morning feeling great and I have had a ton of energy all day. I even have energy to do some household chores--so I'd best get to them before my early bed time creeps any closer.

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